I just want to express my IMMENSE gratitude to Erica Jade.
Erica you are truly a beautiful soul who has helped me transform to heights I never thought were possible.
If you are ready to live the life of your dreams and manifest everything you desire, work with Erica. Her energy, authenticity, and her knowingness will blow your mind.
Eternally grateful, Erica. Love you.
Erica Jade is the TRUTH.
In the time I've known and worked with her, my whole life has changed. I found Erica just before leaving a marriage that I was very unhappy in. I had lost myself, and somehow I knew in my heart she was the one who could help me.
Almost immediately after our first session, I began to manifest things at a rapid rate, and I started to feel like myself again. And I within one year of working with EJ, I went from being a stay-at-home mom with no income, to having my own successful trucking business.
What I am most excited about, though, is me. My self esteem is through the roof, and men are showing up for me and treating me the way I have always wanted to be treated. Everything is just completely different; words cannot express...
I am so grateful for E. I love her. Her energy, words, style = impeccable. If you have the pleasure of working with her, I promise your life will NEVER BE THE SAME!
Before I started working with Erica, I was waiting for someone to rescue me. Waiting for permission to be seen and heard. Longing for validation of my existence.
Her programs have completely changed my life. I cry as I type this because it's only. been 2 years, and I want things I never wanted before. I do things I've never done before. Even my clothes are different. I've lost weight. I value and love ME...
Any time spent with her online, on the phone, or in person is priceless! I feel so privileged and blessed to be under her tutelage...If you have any doubts on whether you should join her programs, or anything else she offers for that matter, let me tell you... Bae Bae!! You will not regret your decision! The best investment I ever made was in me!!
My time with Erica Jade was nothing short of pure uninhibited magic.
First, let me start by telling you that Erica is not a coach. She is a globally trained expert in the realms of the masculine, the feminine, and sacred union.
She sees and holds you : all of you. In every essence of the word, she's real.
During our journey together, I experienced massive healing around my inner feminine, inner masculine, family wounding, partnership, money, and relationship to God.
I am not even remotely the same person as I was when our journey began...
Working with Erica is not for the faint of heart. It will be one of the most wild, blissful, exhilarating rides of your life and... it will be so worth it.
- Pilar
What happens when you choose to enter into Erica Jade’s container?
A lot.
Working with Erica has transformed my life in ways that were beyond my imagination and comprehension. My life is like a movie. I never thought life could be this good. Not only do I look forward to my future, but I am so in love with my life.
- Kayla